This hit me in the heart!

Imagine you’re in a local shopping centre and a lady out of the blue comes up and thanks you profusely for changing her life, and that of her deceased husband!   

You hardly remember her and haven’t been in contact since you worked at the same place over a dozen years ago!

This is the story:

I’d been climbing the corporate ladder and after 20 years had reached the end of the road from my perspective.  I’d made it from casual typist up to the first female executive position but I didn’t have a passion for the next level up.  I wanted more time to enjoy a coffee, have more holidays and have the option to sleep in every morning!

So my partner John and I invested in Real Estate.   After buying our first 45 rental properties, we felt we had enough behind us to stop work – at least for a year or two.  So we did!  We even increased our portfolio to 75 rentals, and we have never looked back. I can remember that day like it was yesterday.  It was a dream come true for me, and yet still scary to give up the security of a company car, a good salary, super and other benefits.

I wasn’t aware that other people (outside of my team) who worked at the same place were watching what I was doing even after I left, following my progress on TV, Radio, Newspapers and through social media.

I’ll call him ‘Mike’

I wasn’t aware that Mike was unhappy at work and wanted to get out.  Many people are, so that’s nothing unusual in itself of course.  But Mike had a desire to have his own farm out of town and bring up his children in a more rural environment.  Other people told him he was mad to even consider giving up a good steady job, and to remember he had a young family to support; he had responsibilities to others now.

However, it seems Mike was really inspired by my move and his wife was amazingly supportive.  He knew it had taken personal commitment and a leap of faith for me to leave a high, secure position in the company.  But I had done it, and everything had worked out well for me.  So with that knowledge and inspiration he took his own leap of faith, leaving his job and doing what he loved!

His wife told me that they had been so grateful that he made that decision because within 5 years he was to be sadly taken from them.  If he had listened to others he would have died without ever having followed and achieved his own dream.

Emotionally impacting!

Tears are welling up in my eyes now as I write this.  I can’t begin to describe the impact Mike’s story has had on me.  The inspiration I gave to him has been returned to me tenfold!

That was one of the most impacting moments for me, but I’ve had many similar experiences over the past few years and it’s helped me to realize that everything we say and everything we do, can have a major impact on others, whether we intended that or not.

If doing something for myself can have such an impact on someone else without my knowledge or intention,  how much more can I do if I am helping others intentionally?

That’s why I do what I do for you!

From that moment my path has become more and more clear; to have a positive impact on everyone I connect with.  I can make at least a small impact just by smiling at someone, thanking them for their service, helping them if they drop something, or holding the door open for them. Even being nice to people who seems rude can have a positive impact on them – and satisfying to me!

My absolute passion is to make a larger and more life changing positive impact for those who are eager, ready and willing to be coached and mentored.